Summer Reading Program
is about getting everyone to read more and learn more while school is out for the summer. To that end, we work to provide quality literature, fun activities, and (with the help of our sponsors) prizes to help motivate participants. Age groups as follows:
PreK (birth-starting kindergarten in the fall; includes TK students from the previous school year)
- linked with 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program (continuous, year-round), with prizes every 100 books read to them by parents/caregivers-- reading logs available at the circulation desk
- activities geared toward their age group, primarily on Wednesday and Friday mornings
Elementary (enrolled in K-5 during the previous school year)
- reading tracked by 15-minute increments on bookmarks, with prizes every 150 minutes they read or are read to by parents/caregivers-- reading log bookmarks available at the circulation desk
- activities geared toward their age group several times per week
Teens (enrolled in grades 6-11 during the previous school year)
- reading tracked by 15-minute increments on bookmarks, with prizes every 150 minutes they read-- reading log bookmarks available at the circulation desk
- activities once or twice a week
Adults (high school graduates or others ages 18+)
- reading logs and challenges earn entries to win one of the adult prizes (theater and other event tickets)
- a few activities for adults spread over the summer
WE ASK THAT ALL PARTICIPANTS (except PreK) HAVE A LIBRARY CARD ACCOUNT. You do not have to check anything out on the card; it's just a way of making sure that we have all necessary contact info in a centralized location.
(see https://www.siouxrapids.lib.ia.us/library-card/library-card for more details)
Sign up in person at the library or use the form here:https://forms.gle/oKfSD7QZnPEgKXQSA